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Alverton Brass

Alverton Brass

Genre: Brass Band

Location: Northallerton, North Yorkshire

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About Alverton Brass

We are a non-competing band who rehearse every Thursday evening near Northallerton.

We present several concerts throughout the year, with much of the proceeds going to charity. We are a happy band, and this is demonstrated by the fact that we have bums on seats every week, with very few rehearsals without a full band.

Our first rehearsal took place at the Orchards Care Home in Brompton, near Northallerton, in October 2007, and since then the band has gone from strength to strength, meeting there every Thursday at 7.30pm.

The membership of the band is very much of a case of ‘Old Bandsmen Re-united’.

Members join by invitation and over the years many friends have joined together to build the band into what it is today, some even coaxed out of retirement. It was realised recently the our age range covers seven decades and can boast ‘hundreds’ of years’ of banding experience between us!

Alverton Brass draw from a vast pool of musical experience not only from the brass band world but from Military band, Dance band and Orchestra. This wealth of experience not only attributes to a quality sound but achieves the ability to play any form of music.

We are a non-competing band who mainly concentrate on performing entertaining concerts raising money for charities either independently or joining forces with other bands, choirs etc.

All in all, this has been a very exciting and successful venture so far, nearly all of the seats are now full with permanent players, the atmosphere is brilliant, and there is a wonderful enthusiasm which is very refreshing at a time when many bands are struggling to fill rehearsals.

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