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Fri 21st Feb 25 19:30- 23:45
We are a music club with twice monthly live bands of many types and styles appearing at our venue The Northcourt which is located on the corner of Oxford Road and Northcourt Road in Abingdon. Our gigs will normally be held on a Friday night.
Thu 6th Mar 25 19:30
Lincoln's friendliest, liveliest arts venue, packed full of the very best in theatre, comedy, music, film and dance... and much more!
Fri 18th Apr 25 18:30
The Midlands' premier 700 capacity live concert venue
Fri 9th May 25 19:00- 22:15
Sat 17th May 25 19:00- 00:30
Click on a gig to read reviews, and maybe leave one.