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Thu 20th Aug 26 19:45
As a grade II listed building in the heart of the city centre, City Hall is home to some of the finest entertainment in the region. We are part of Sheffield International Venues.
Fri 21st Aug 26 19:45
As a grade II listed building in the heart of the city centre, City Hall is home to some of the finest entertainment in the region. We are part of Sheffield International Venues.
Sat 22nd Aug 26 19:45
As a grade II listed building in the heart of the city centre, City Hall is home to some of the finest entertainment in the region. We are part of Sheffield International Venues.
Sat 22nd Aug 26 14:30
As a grade II listed building in the heart of the city centre, City Hall is home to some of the finest entertainment in the region. We are part of Sheffield International Venues.
Sun 23rd Aug 26 16:00
As a grade II listed building in the heart of the city centre, City Hall is home to some of the finest entertainment in the region. We are part of Sheffield International Venues.
Fri 4th Sep 26 18:45
Sat 5th Sep 26 13:30
Sat 5th Sep 26 18:45
Sun 6th Sep 26 15:00