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Genre: Folk

Location: Wensley, North Yorkshire

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About Fourum

Entertaining audiences since 1972 with their own special brand of music and humour.

Fourum are best known for their unique evocative songs, composed by group member Allen Miller, portraying the characters, history and legends of the North Yorkshire Dales, - but their repertoire also includes traditional Scottish, Irish and Tyneside music. Fourum have appeared on local and national radio and television, as well as in folk clubs, theatres, village halls and outdoor venues at home and abroad.

Now in their 47th year of singing together, the group is still going strong and their passion for making music and telling stories is undiminished, as is evidenced by the appreciative response of audiences wherever they play.

In 2013 they were also featured in the 3rd Series of ITV’s The Dales.

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