New Purple Celebration - The Music of PrinceatThe Fire StationSunderlandFriday 19th of May 202319:00Sorry, This Event is in the past!New Purple Celebration - The Music of PrinceGenre : Tribute The Fire StationVenue TypeBarDescriptionHigh Street West,Sunderland,Tyne and Wear,England,SR1 3HA. Sorry, This Event is in the past!
Other Events atThe Fire Station12/4/25 19:30Country Hits Live12/7/25 19:30The Love Train - Summer Disco Party - Sunderland14/9/25 19:30Luke Morley19/11/25 19:30Milton Jones: Ha!Milton20/11/25 19:30Jason Byrne: Head In the Clouds+ 2 moreView Full Profile