The Wave Pictures
The Ferret
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The Wave Pictures
Genre : Rock
The Wave PicturesRock 'n' Roll
The Wave Pictures are strange: an indie rock band with absolutely no indie rock influences. For years, all we’ve listened to has been the classic blues and rock and roll of America in the 50s and 60s. And yet, we’re always disliked those retro acts who slavishly copy the look and the sound, the haircuts and the fonts of the past, but miss the unfettered spirit of the music they love. We have a style of our own already, the way your eyes have a colour. We don’t want to be a blues band. But the blues is there, at the invisible core of everything we do. We love it.
Mainly a live music pub,opposite the University student union,but not strictly a student pub. The pub forms part of a large and distinctive former industrial building,the site of Preston's first steam powered cotton mill by John Horrocks in 1794.
An American diner style menu featuring burgers, dogs and wraps is served all day and is also available to take away. Rock music (recorded) is played most of the time and there may be a cover charge on the door for some live music.
Please Note: 14+ (Under 18s must accompanied by an adult)
55 Fylde Road,
PR1 2XQ.
01772 200 017