The Lost Projects: Summer Showcase atAmusement 13BirminghamTuesday 9th of June 202023:00 - 04:00Sorry, This Event is in the past!Sorry, This Gig has been Cancelled / PostponedPlease check Skiddle for further informationThe Lost Projects: Summer Showcase Event TypeClub EventGenre : Acid House / House / Minimal Techno / Tech House / Techno DescriptionShortdescription Shortdescription Shortdescription Shortdescription ShortdescriptionAmusement 13Venue TypeNightclubDescriptionLower Essex Street,Birmingham,West Midlands,England,B5 6RD. Sorry, This Event is in the past!Whilst every effort goes into ensuring this event listing is accurate and up to date, always check with the venue before you travel.