Revive Under 18 ft Special GuestsatFictionHanleyTuesday 26th of May 202018:30 - 23:30Sorry, This Event is in the past!Sorry, This Gig has been Cancelled / PostponedPlease check Skiddle for further informationRevive Under 18 ft Special GuestsEvent TypeClub EventGenre : Hip Hop / Pop DescriptionStoke-on-Trents biggest under 18 night returns to Fiction Hanley with the biggest event yet A huge event with full decor and a huge lineupElectrikVenue TypeNightclubDescriptionBrunswick Street,Hanley,Staffordshire,England,ST1 1DR. Sorry, This Event is in the past!Whilst every effort goes into ensuring this event listing is accurate and up to date, always check with the venue before you travel.