Best Of Brazil Summit


South Bank Business School


Friday 29th of October 2021


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Best Of Brazil Summit Event Title Pic

Best Of Brazil Summit

Event Type

Genre : Conference/Exhibitions


The Best of Brazil Summit is a networking event dedicated to Brazilian business and culture.

About this Event

The Best of Brazil Summit

Business Fair, Lectures, Workshops & Exhibition of Brazilian Culture

4pm -Doors open to the public
During the business fair, participants will be able to visit the stands of the companies that will be exhibiting. The fair is dedicated to Brazilian business and culture in order to facilitate the meeting of service providers worldwide, in a dynamic and friendly environment. The event brings together international buyers, agents, entrepreneurs of small and medium-sized companies, technology companies, importers, tour operators, venues, consultants and many other professionals. We have packages available for companies and entrepreneurs who want to exhibit or speak at the fair.

9pm -End of Summit
We have packages available for companies and entrepreneurs who want to exhibit or speak at the fair. Contact us for more information
(premiacao@grupomelhordobrasil.com / me@rafaeldossantos.com)

The Best of Brazil Summit

Feira de Negócios, Palestras, Workshops e Mostra da Cultura Brasileira

16h - As portas são abertas ao público.
Durante a feira de negócios, os participantes poderão visitar os stands das empresas que estarão expondo. A feira é voltada aos negócios e à cultura brasileira com o objetivo de facilitar o encontro de prestadores de serviços em todo o mundo, em um ambiente dinâmico e amigável. O evento reúne compradores internacionais, agentes, empresários de pequenas e médias empresas, empresas de tecnologia, importadores, operadoras de turismo, locais, consultores e muitos outros profissionais.

21h - Fim do Summit
Temos pacotes disponíveis para empresas e empresários que desejam expor ou falar na feira. Entre em contato para maiores informações (premiacao@grupomelhordobrasil.com / me@rafaeldossantos.com)


South Bank Business School

Venue Type

Business School

South Bank Business School Profile Pic


103 Borough Road,


Greater London,


SE1 0AA.

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