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Northern Lights Mini-fest - Sestina


Fisherwick Presbyterian Church


Wednesday 27th of October 2021


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Northern Lights Mini-fest - Sestina Event Title Pic

Northern Lights Mini-fest - Sestina

Event Type

Genre : Music - Classical


In Guilty Night: Dialogues of a distracted mind

Built around the execution ballad Fortune my Foe, the programme will explore aspects of the supernatural with settings of Saul and the Witch of Endor, and love in all forms: 'distracted' (with an excerpt from Matthew Locke's Psyche), 'requited' (with Mazzochi's Dialogo) and 'filial' (in the drama of Carissimi's oratorio Jephte).

Fortune my foe - Anon
Fortune - William Byrd
In guilty night - Robert Ramsey
Dialogue of despairing lovers - Matthew Locke
Passacaille de Seigneur Luigi (harp solo) - Luigi Rossi
Dialogo a 3 Silvia, Fileno, Eurilla - Domenico Mazzochi
In guilty night - Henry Purcell
Historia de Jepthe - Giacomo Carissimi

Presented in association with Belfast International Arts Festival 2021.


Customers will be seated on arrival and in accordance with their booking, this is to ensure social distancing is maintained within the venue.

Customers are asked to wear a face covering at all times, including throughout the performance (exemptions apply).

Please do not attend if you have symptoms of Covid-19.

Fisherwick Presbyterian Church Profile Pic


4 Chlorine Gardens, Malone Road,



Northern Ireland,

BT9 5DJ.

Sorry, This Event is in the past!

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