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On Saturday 11th December at 6pm (ending at 7.45pm), the Primrose Hill Choir, Children?s Choir and Let the Children Sing, musical director Matthew Watts, will be performing a Christmas Concert at St Mary's Church, Primrose Hill, NW3 3DJ. PLEASE NOTE: AUDIENCE SHOULD ENTER VIA ELSWORTHY ROAD AND ALL ADULTS MUST SHOW EITHER PROOF OF DOUBLE-VACCINATION OR A NEGATIVE LATERAL FLOW TEST AND WEAR A MASK FOR ENTRY. TICKETS ARE £10 ON THE DOOR, CASH ONLY, under 4s free. Songs for choirs and audience will include Walking in the Air, Away in a Manger, Jesu, Joy of Man?s Desiring, Christmas Time in London Town and We Wish You a Merry Christmas, and there will be mulled wine, soft drinks and mince pies available for purchase (cash only). Enquiries via primrosehillchoirs.com
2 Elsworthy Road,
Greater London,
NW3 3DJ.
Sorry, This Event is in the past!
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