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Black History Month Celebration With Jelly Clever


Jazzlive@The Crypt


Friday 7th of October 2022


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Black History Month Celebration With Jelly Clever Event Title Pic

Black History Month Celebration With Jelly Clever

Event Type

Genre : Music - Jazz/latin


Join Jelly Cleaver and her specially assembled band as they tell the repressed histories of black resistance movements and the forgotten dreams of black liberation.

For this celebration Jelly will premiere compositions written specifically for this performance to pay tribute to and draw inspiration from these lost dreams. The movements that inspired her compositions include STAR (Street Transvestite Action Revolutionaries), founded by two of the queens behind the legendary Stonewall riot, who took in trans and queer street children and pushed for a more inclusive gay rights movement. MOVE, an anarcho-primitivist commune which tragically came to an end with a standoff that led to the Philadelphia police department bombing and burning down an entire residential street. DRUM (Dodge Revolutionary Union Movement), a Detroit-based trade union who brought together black power and worker solidarity. And The SOUL circle, who's journal the Soulbook shared black art and educated people on the global and local black liberation movement, and who Max Roach once organised a talk for.

Jelly Cleaver is a composer and guitarist who has previously been awarded the Steve Reid Award as well as being nominated for an Ivor's Composer Award. Her eclectic output as an artist has earned her praise from both sides of the Atlantic, interviews on NPR and BBC radio and write-ups by the likes of Dummy and Clash Magazine. Having written her dissertation about jazz and the black liberation movement, from Amiri Baraka's Blues People to Dizzy Gillespe's run for president, Jelly is well versed on jazz's history and socio-political context.

Guitar, bass, vocals - Jelly Cleaver
Vocals, guitar, bass - Jalen Ngonda
Trumpet - Joseph Oti
Cello - Gary Washington
Keys - Lorenz Okello-Osengor
Drums - Romarna Campbell

St Giles's Church, Camberwell Profile Pic


Church Street,


Greater London,


SE5 8RB.

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