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Life Aquatic Band At The Soundhouse Leicester


The Soundhouse


Friday 10th of May 2024


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Life Aquatic Band At The Soundhouse Leicester Event Title Pic

Life Aquatic Band At The Soundhouse Leicester

Event Type

Genre : Music - General


Life Aquatic Band's music brings sunshine to drab days, it's music to walk home to, it's music to let yourself loose. A mix of 70s Pop and early 2000s ElectroClash - they sit somewhere between Graceland-era Paul Simon and LCD Soundsystem.
With songs about brunch dates, and the undying wish to be a cool band on the cover of the NME, their style is signposted by satirical lyricism inspired by Jonathan Richman, Courtney Barnett and the Mouldy Peaches.

In 2023, LAB returned with a new album full of positivity: FREE SUMMER. They have been playing all over the UK, including at Glastonbury festival, Shambala, Y Not, won a public vote to play Tramlines, and have been backed by BBC 6 Music?s Steve Lamacq, Tom Robinson, Deb Grant and Tom Ravenscroft.
This year they toured as the main support on Skinny Lister?s UK tour, returning to their own headline tour in March.

?A blend of new and old Post-punk - who wants to go for Brunch??
- Steve Lamacq - 6 Music

The Soundhouse

Venue Type

Live Music Venue

The Soundhouse Profile Pic


28 Southampton Street,




LE1 1SJ.

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