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Flamenco Dance Workshop With Rebecca Ortega


Arts Centre


Saturday 22nd of June 2024


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Flamenco Dance Workshop With Rebecca Ortega Event Title Pic


Discover the beauty of traditional flamenco with Rebeca Ortega in this dynamic dance workshop. Bring tap shoes or heels, a skirt or comfortable clothing.

Liberate your body, enhance strength, and embrace beauty and sensuality through flamenco, body percussion, and clapping. Boost self-esteem, confidence, memory, decision-making, and expression.

The workshop includes a warm-up, compass coordination, hand ans arm movement technique, choreography, improvisation, and group dance.

Rebecca Ortega

Rebeca is a Spanish flamenco dancer and director who has performed workshops across the world. She has trained extensively in flamenco, classical Spanish dance, ballet, and contemporary dance in Seville and the most recognised flamenco schools, Madrid's Amor de Dios and Seville's Flamenco Danza.

Aged 19, Rebeca began her professional career, and for four years she performed and taught flamenco in the UK while completing her university studies, which led her to create, direct, and choreograph the group ?Nottingham Flamenquitas?. From that moment, she hasn?t stopped taking her dance to the world with her company, as well as collaborating with famed companies: La Tati, Ricardo García, PAT?X, Ramón Ruiz, or with circus artist, Villads Bugge Bang.

Ashburton Arts Centre

Venue Type

Live Music Venue and Arts Centre

Ashburton Arts Centre Profile Pic


Ashburton Arts Centre is a community-owned and run place where the arts of all kinds happen.

It opened in 2018 in the town's old Methodist Church. Come see world-class live music, theatre, etc plus local performers, classes and community events.

15 West Street,




TQ13 7DT.

07980 680052

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