Sophie Duker: But Daddy I Love Her
The Crescent Community Venue
Sophie Duker is BACK! The Taskmaster champ is back on tour and dealing with her
(sugar) daddy issues in a hilarious new stand up show.
BUT DADDY I LOVE HER sees Sophie take the stage with her trademark
naughtiness, this time arguing that we should all choose silliness over common
sense and hot wet fantasies over cold, bleak reality. In this intentionally unhinged
hour, delusion is the solution
She rips through sex and race with relish
???? TheSundayTimes
shrewd storytelling and pop culture hot takes
???? FestMag
Laugh out loud funny
???? TheTelegraph
she is clearly going places
???? EveningStandard
wickedly funny
???? TheHerald
riotously funny
???? Skinny
Extremely funny
???? Scotsman
8 The Crescent,
North Yorkshire,
YO24 1AW.
General Admission : £19.30
Prices include booking fees where applicable.
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