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A Midsummer Night's Dream


St Mary's Arts Centre


Thursday 5th of September 2024


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A Midsummer Night's Dream Event Title Pic

A Midsummer Night's Dream

Event Type

Genre : Theatre


The Award winning Flabbergast Theatre bring a rambunctious approach to Shakespeare?s much-loved comedy A Midsummer Night?s Dream, Goblins and Sprites run amok as the King and Queen of the Faeries settle a spat causing havoc among the humans caught up in their machinations.
The action focusses on a troupe of players travelling with their beautiful vintage Haywain frantically multi-role-ing and bringing the world to life with joy and excitement.
Arcadian folk songs, slapstick comedy, and mask work combine with a respectful approach to the text, an irreverent attitude and a focus on storytelling to bring the magic of midsummer alive with physical comedy, song, and dance.

Dominic Cavendish
The Telegraph ?????
Shakespeare?s words wrung into new shapes through raw physical movement?
as captivating as it is unsettling?
This is a Macbeth full of sound and fury, signifying something with every crooked gesture. 
For Macbeth 2022

Stewart Lee ? Top 9 Shows Edinburgh Fringe
Everything you want?in this brilliantly designed show the turns themselves seem to have risen up out of the clay?Shakespeare himself would surely have enjoyed [this show]
I am glad my kids saw this. It will have made them lifelong converts of real theatre? I am glad I saw it, because it reminded me of being 19 in 1987 and coming here and having my mind blown?
For Macbeth 2022

British Theatre Guide ?????
?[Flabbergast Theatre] powerfully emphasize the darkly metaphysical nature of the play??relentless action and invention. Every perfectly constructed, tightly choreographed moment in the play is explored for maximum impact and clarity of purpose??This is an exciting and vital interpretation of Macbeth which serves to invigorate one of Shakespeare?s best-known plays with a new intensity.?
For Macbeth 2022

Bouquets and Brickbats ?????
this raucous, visceral reimagining of the story captures the essence of the piece more eloquently than pretty much any other production I?ve seen.
The Tragedy of Macbeth ends with a heartfelt standing ovation from the crowd and it is fully deserved. Don?t miss this, it?s a wonder to behold.
For Macbeth 2022

Voice Mag ?????
?When a classic has been done again and again, it?s hard to make it unique. However, that wasn?t the case for Flabbergast Theatre. Lending physical theatre to Shakespeare works so well, and the cast of this Tragedy of Macbeth have proved that once again???The chemistry between the cast was palpable ? Flabbergast Theatre stayed loyal to a classic but approached it in a refreshing and visually beautiful way?
For Macbeth 2022

Mumble ?????
?Boy! have they produced a massive Macbeth. It looks beautiful, the cast create some stunning scenery using their angular bodies with a minimum of propwork, & all that drumming & Dantean wailing sounds more than amazing? This Macbeth is a stunning production? a Scorpion?s worth of theatre, with a vicious sting in its tail. A pleasure to watch.?
For Macbeth 2022

St. Mary's Arts Centre

Venue Type

Arts Centre

St. Mary's Arts Centre Profile Pic


The building is particularly appropriate for events and entertainments as it has an unusually large and uninterrupted central space which can be arranged in suitable configurations for many different types of events.

For example, left as one open space for exhibitions, arranged with concert style seating for drama or music, or laid out with tables and chairs for dinners or receptions.

It retains all the atmosphere of its important past, whilst offering up to date convenience and good modern amenities.

St. Mary's is available and suitable as a venue for many different types of event, such as:

Wedding Receptions
Wedding Fairs
Recitals and Concerts
Private Functions
Arts and Community Events

The Venue is NOT Suitable for Loud Amplified Music

Strand Street,




CT13 9HN.

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Whilst every effort goes into ensuring this event listing is accurate and up to date, always check with the venue before you travel.

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