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Jez Lowe Song-Writing Symposium PLUS Concert


Cubley Hall Hotel


Sunday 27th of April 2025


Jez Lowe Song-Writing Symposium PLUS Concert Event Title Pic

Jez Lowe Song-Writing Symposium PLUS Concert

Event Type

Genre : Music - Folk/blues/world


JEZ LOWE SONGWRITING - Open to ANY songwriter regardless of experience. Plus complimentary tea/coffee on arrival.

A Full 1 Day Songwriting symposiu/workshop tutored by one of U.K.'s most well respected song writers. Group work - performance - feedback - 1:1 tuition sessions available and bookable.
2 attending delegates will be invited to perform and deliver their songs alongside Jez.
Cheers ... Jonti Tel. 07939148603
Proposed Schedule/Program/Pricing
10am Meet & Greet delegates. Welcome - Complimentary tea/coffee
10.30 - 11.30am Songwriting experience interaction with delegates. Jez tells 'own story/gives examples'. Delegates likewise.

Outline of the day presented by Jonti Willis including an invitation that 2 delegates be invited to perform 2 songs at the evening concert
11.30 - 11.45am Comfort Break (Order lunch - delegates own expense)
11.45 - 1.00pm Songwriting 'teaching session with Jez
1.00 - 2.00pm Lunch Break
2.00 - 2.45pm Delegates break out into small groups/interaction work/discussion overseen by Jez 4/5 writers per small group??
2.45 - 3.30pm 'Small group' delegates invited to present back their writing experiences to the Whole Group. Jez to feedback/comment/support.
3.30 - 3.45pm Comfort Break (order your evening meal if required- delegates own expense)
3.45 - 4.05pm Individual 1:1 Tutorial Writing/Discussion session with Jez (1 of 3 available)........Delegate invited to discus or sing a/their song with Jez.
4.05 - 4.25pm Individual 1:1 Tutorial Writing/Discussion session with Jez (2 of 3 available)........Delegate invited to discus or sing a/their song with Jez.
4.25 - 4.45pm Individual 1:1 Tutorial Writing/Discussion session with Jez (3 of 3 available)........Delegate invited to discus or sing a/their song with Jez.

(Whilst any 1:1 sessions are taking place other delegates invited to take a break or practice a song performance to the peer delegates. This time frame can be flexible)

5.00 - 5.30pm Conclusion/wind up of the day. 'What have we learned?' 2 Delegates selected/invited to present 2 songs each at the evening concert.
* Jez & delgates eat any ordered meals in the bar 5.30pm to 6.30pm
......General Concert Audience..........DOORS 6.30pm
Concert with Jez Lowe
Support Artist(s)............7.00 - 7.30pm
Jez Lowe..........................7.30 - 8.15pm
Break till...............8.45pm
Jez Lowe............................8.45 - 9.30pm
9.30pm.....'Goodnight All'.......Go Home!

.....................Pricing ...........................................................
General Audience CONCERT ONLY (Non delegates) £15 Adv £18 OTD Discount Ticket for Group of 4 People arriving together - £50

Songwriters Symposium Delegates
Songwriting Workshop only - £50
Workshop PLUS an incorporated ticket for the Concert - £60
1:1 Consultation/Tutorial with Jez- + £10 Supplement per person. * Open to Workshop Delegates only.

Cubley Hall Hotel

Venue Type


Cubley Hall Hotel Profile Pic


Mortimer Road,



South Yorkshire,


S36 9DF.

Whilst every effort goes into ensuring this event listing is accurate and up to date, always check with the venue before you travel.

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