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View other venues in London, Greater London
The Bell

The Bell

Venue Type: Pub

50 Middlesex Street
London, Greater London

E1 7EX

1 gig listed (see below)

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We don't have any details about this venue, it is on our list for researching, but for now we only have details of events taking place.
Please double check venue information on any ticket sellers sites before purchasing.
Please note. This map is based on the postcode and only shows the approximate location
Upcoming Gigs

The Supernatural On Trial

Genre: Other

The English Legal System is widely considered to be a bastion of intellectual probity, respectability and rationality, with no time for supernatural matters. However, people have always believed in strange and fantastical creatures, including witches, demons, aliens and ghosts. Their beliefs have led them to do strange and terrible things, from fra...

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