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View other venues in Vale of Glamorgan
View other venues in Penarth, Vale of Glamorgan
This Venue pages is a Stub. We strongly advise contacting the venue to check details before traveling.
If you are the person responsible for this venue please claim control by Clicking Here
We don't have any details about this venue, it is on our list for researching, but for now we only have details of events taking place.
Please double check venue information on any ticket sellers sites before purchasing.Please note. This map is based on the postcode and only shows the approximate location Fri 11th Apr 25 19:00
3D rama
Genre: Theatre
Wisgi gan / by Carwyn Blayney
Ers gorffen gyda?i gariad, Wini, mae Gwion yn gweld nad yw?n gallu fforddio byw ar ben ei hun. Diolch byth, mae ei hen ffrind, Iwan, angen gwely. Ond yw pethau wir ar ben rhwng Gwion a Wini? Drama ysgafn am dri pherson hunanol yn ymladd dros lety yn ystod yr argyfwng costau byw.
Since breaking up with his girlfrien...