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View other venues in Manchester, Greater Manchester
The Ape and Apple

The Ape and Apple

Venue Type: Pub

28-30 John Dalton Street
Manchester, Greater Manchester

M2 6HQ

1 gig listed (see below)

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We don't have any details about this venue, it is on our list for researching, but for now we only have details of events taking place.
Please double check venue information on any ticket sellers sites before purchasing.
Please note. This map is based on the postcode and only shows the approximate location
Upcoming Gigs

Murder Inc Presents: Once Upon a Crime

Genre: Comedy

This month's theme presents us with a magical world of opportunities. Prince Charming's, witches, dragons, mermaids, elves, wolves, and so much more as we dive into a fairy-tale theme. It is our greatest wish that you would join us. Murder Inc is the improvised comedy murder-mystery where your word is golden. We never know what's going to happen bu...

Prices & More Details

Past Events