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Thu 3rd Apr 25 18:30
Writer and music critic Liam Inscoe-Jones joins Will Burns to discuss his fascinating new book on music in the internet age.
It's 2013. You're a teenager squinting at your laptop in the dead of night, flicking between iTunes and YouTube and PirateBay.Endless reams of artists unspool at the click of a button. New forms of musical discovery open up...
Fri 11th Apr 25 18:30
A new John Higgs book is always a reason to celebrate so we are delighted to be inviting him back to Wendover to mark the release of his new book, Exterminate/Regenerate: The Story of Doctor Who.
+ Justin Robertson will also be joining us and reading from his new novel The Trial of Jonah
On screen, Doctor Who is a story of monsters, imaginati...