Please double check venue information on any ticket sellers sites before purchasing.
19:00- 22:00
Midweek Nectar - a midweek showcase of top up and coming talent from Glasgow and surrounding areas.
Fri 14th Mar 25 22:00- 03:00
Scotland's favourite & longest running Bollywood Night brings you a night of colour & glow this HOLI in Glasgow.
Sat 15th Mar 25 19:00- 22:00
RCMS Presents.........The Heritage headline Glasgow's Classic Grand on Saturday 15th March, over 14s
Sun 16th Mar 25 18:30- 22:00
Studiomonks-DIY Incoherent Studiogaze
Icerink- Dundee Noisegaze
JustSomeoneWhoCared- Newwave Celtic Shoeblues
Surface Detail- 3rd wave emo + metal
Thu 20th Mar 25 19:00- 22:00
Midweek Nectar - a midweek showcase of top up and coming talent from Glasgow and surrounding areas.
Sat 22nd Mar 25 19:00- 23:00
Bonkers returns to The Classic Grand for a night of old skool with Noble Whitelaw All Night long B2B Joe Deacon, Gonzo & Paul Norval
Thu 27th Mar 25 18:30- 22:00
5 upcoming bands lined up for a night of great music at Classic Grand Lounge