Jez Lowe Song-Writing Symposium PLUS Concert
Cubley Hall Hotel

JEZ LOWE SONGWRITING - Open to ANY songwriter regardless of experience. Plus complimentary tea/coffee on arrival.
A Full 1 Day Songwriting symposiu/workshop tutored by one of U.K.'s most well respected song writers. Group work - performance - feedback - 1:1 tuition sessions available and bookable.
2 attending delegates will be invited to perform and deliver their songs alongside Jez.
Cheers ... Jonti Tel. 07939148603
Proposed Schedule/Program/Pricing
10am Meet & Greet delegates. Welcome - Complimentary tea/coffee
10.30 - 11.30am Songwriting experience interaction with delegates. Jez tells 'own story/gives examples'. Delegates likewise.
Outline of the day presented by Jonti Willis including an invitation that 2 delegates be invited to perform 2 songs at the evening concert
11.30 - 11.45am Comfort Break (Order lunch - delegates own expense)
11.45 - 1.00pm Songwriting 'teaching session with Jez
1.00 - 2.00pm Lunch Break
2.00 - 2.45pm Delegates break out into small groups/interaction work/discussion overseen by Jez 4/5 writers per small group??
2.45 - 3.30pm 'Small group' delegates invited to present back their writing experiences to the Whole Group. Jez to feedback/comment/support.
3.30 - 3.45pm Comfort Break (order your evening meal if required- delegates own expense)
3.45 - 4.05pm Individual 1:1 Tutorial Writing/Discussion session with Jez (1 of 3 available)........Delegate invited to discus or sing a/their song with Jez.
4.05 - 4.25pm Individual 1:1 Tutorial Writing/Discussion session with Jez (2 of 3 available)........Delegate invited to discus or sing a/their song with Jez.
4.25 - 4.45pm Individual 1:1 Tutorial Writing/Discussion session with Jez (3 of 3 available)........Delegate invited to discus or sing a/their song with Jez.
(Whilst any 1:1 sessions are taking place other delegates invited to take a break or practice a song performance to the peer delegates. This time frame can be flexible)
5.00 - 5.30pm Conclusion/wind up of the day. 'What have we learned?' 2 Delegates selected/invited to present 2 songs each at the evening concert.
* Jez & delgates eat any ordered meals in the bar 5.30pm to 6.30pm
......General Concert Audience..........DOORS 6.30pm
Concert with Jez Lowe
Support Artist(s)............7.00 - 7.30pm
Jez Lowe..........................7.30 - 8.15pm
Break till...............8.45pm
Jez Lowe............................8.45 - 9.30pm
9.30pm.....'Goodnight All'.......Go Home!
.....................Pricing ...........................................................
General Audience CONCERT ONLY (Non delegates) £15 Adv £18 OTD Discount Ticket for Group of 4 People arriving together - £50
Songwriters Symposium Delegates
Songwriting Workshop only - £50
Workshop PLUS an incorporated ticket for the Concert - £60
1:1 Consultation/Tutorial with Jez- + £10 Supplement per person. * Open to Workshop Delegates only.
Mortimer Road,
South Yorkshire,
S36 9DF.
1:1 Tutorial/Lesson with Jez : £11.00
CONCERT ADMISSION ONLY Doors 6.30pm : £16.50
Songwriting Workshop ONLY : £54.50
CONCERT ONLY - Group of 4 Discount Ticket : £54.50
Songwiting Workshop INCLUDING Evening Concert : £65.40